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How to Eat Healthy at Work

Brain Food for the Office

Quickly scarfing down a sandwich followed by a bakery treat for dessert, and then immediately returning to the keyboard with greasy fingers – almost…
by Lea Albring |

Brain Food for the Office

Quickly scarfing down a sandwich followed by a bakery treat for dessert, and then immediately returning to the keyboard with greasy fingers – almost everyone is familiar with such a “lunch break” from our hectic office lives. But even when we don’t have much time, there are better – and healthier – options! In this article, we will introduce you to the foods and meals you should be eating to boost your efficiency at work.

Use these nutrition tips to stay fit and productive throughout the day in your coworking space, office or at home:

• The sandwich is the ultimate classic, and it doesn’t always have to be the boring old standard. An ideal lunch sandwich, for example, is avocado and turkey on whole-grain. Together, these ingredients provide a healthy combination of proteins, complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals, keeping the brain sharp and contributing to overall performance.

• Quiches, salads and soups are also great office meals. Salads can become filling by adding pasta, couscous or croutons. Soups and stews, especially those based on lentils or tomatoes, are also excellent choices for a healthy office lunch. But be careful not to spill!

• If time is of the essence, fast food is still an option. It just depends on the type of fast food we consume. Choose whole-grain buns for burgers instead of white ones. Or, if you decide to grab a wrap or doner kebab, go for the veggie option and avoid too much sauce. Pizza, currywurst or fries can be enjoyed on occasion as well – just stay away from the XL versions, as they usually contain a lot of fat.


Avoid a Food Coma


Eating too much food or food that is too greasy not only makes us tired and sluggish but also leads to reduced energy levels and impaired concentration. And nothing kills office efficiency more than an early afternoon food coma.

Here's why: A large or particularly heavy meal can cause significant fluctuations in blood sugar levels, resulting in fatigue. Additionally, our body requires a lot of energy for digestion, which redirects blood away from our brains and toward our bellies. The result is drowsiness and lethargy.

The following tips will help you avoid food comas following your office lunch:

• Before your meal: Drink a glass of water! This partially fills the stomach before eating, meaning you don’t need to eat as much to feel satisfied. Ideally, have a small salad before the main course. This also partially fills your stomach and provides essential nutrients.

• During the meal: Eat slowly! It takes about 20 minutes before you start feeling full. On average, we finish eating in about 10 minutes – which often means that we continue eating even though we don’t need to. By eating slowly and chewing thoroughly, you’ll begin felling full sooner.

• After the meal: Move around and get some fresh air! Taking a short walk around the office building works wonders to get rid of post-lunch drowsiness. Exercise stimulates digestion, and fresh air helps you stay alert.


Get an Energy Boost from Drinks and Snacks


The right beverages and smart snacks can provide a vital mid-morning or late afternoon energy boost.

• Coffee, black tea, green tea and even caffeinated and sugary sodas can stave off encroaching fatigue due to their energizing properties. But beware: Drinks like latte macchiato or cappuccino may make you feel full due to their high milk content.

• Fruits and vegetables are perfect as performance-enhancing, mid-meal snacks. Yoghurt, small sandwiches and nuts are also suitable alternatives. But be cautious with dried fruits and granola bars as they are often surprisingly full of calories.


Stay Hydrated


Drinking is vital for your metabolism and helps counteract feelings of fatigue. An adult should consume a minimum of 1.5 liters of fluids each day.

The following tips can prevent you from forgetting to drink enough between meetings, calls and consultations:

• Always keep a bottle of mineral water on your desk and within sight. Make sure to refill your glass regularly.

• Fruit spritzers are a healthy and less boring alternative to water. Ideally, they should consist of one-third juice and two-thirds water – a good mix of hydration and energy.

• Unsweetened fruit and herbal teas are always a welcome change, and adding some fresh mint, for example, makes for a refreshing iced tea in hot weather.

With these tips for healthy eating in a coworking space or office, your energy levels are guaranteed to stay high. Enjoy your brain food!

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